
Maternal DNA


The Enlightenment vs. Authoritarianism

 The choice before the world now is Authoritarianism or the Principles of the Enlightenment.  Do you want to live in a Republic with democratic values such as the Rule of Law and democracy or under a dictator? The Old World Order of Authoritarianism is trying to return.  What will you chose?

French DNA


Middle Eastern DNA


Descent from The Prophet Muhammad

 The Prophet Muhammad 570-632 42nd great-grandfather Fatimah 605-632 Daughter of The Prophet Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Aly Hachemenite 625-670 Son of Fatimah Husain 669- Son of al-Hasan ibn Aly Hachemenite Zohra al-Lakhm Daughter of Husain Na'im al-Lakhmi Son of Zohra al-Lakhm Na'im al-Lakhmi Son of Na'im al-Lakhmi Itaf Son of Na'im al-Lakhmi Amr Son of Itaf Aslan Son of Amr Amr Son of Aslan Abbad Son of Amr Qarais Son of Abbad Ismali Son of Qarais Kadi Abul-Kasim Muhammad Son of Ismali Abu Amr Abbad ben Muhammad al-Mu'tamid Son of Kadi Abul-Kasim Muhammad Abul-Kasim Muhammad ben Abbad al Mu'tamid Son of Abu Amr Abbad ben Muhammad al-Mu'tamid Zaida 1070-1107 Daughter of Abul-Kasim Muhammad ben Abbad al Mu'tamid Sancha de Castile Daughter of Zaida Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara Son of Sancha de Castile Sancha Rodriguez de Lara Daughter of Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara Aldonza Gonzalez Giron Daughter of Sancha Rodriguez de Lara Aldonza Ramirez 1275- Daughter of Aldonza

Descent from Russian Royal Family
